And it was the Macintosh’s 30th anniversary !!

The Apple’s Macintosh … the most influential computers of all time celebrated it’s 30th anniversary last week.

It’s just a great pleasure to witness the change in technology as we go through from the first model of the Apple computer way back in the 1976 which was built by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and seeing the Mac 2013, sheer innovation !


Here’s the link of The Telegraph,UK.

The next generation delivery systems by amazon. Truly remarkable !

VentureBeat: Amazon’s next big innovation: ‘Prime Air’ drones for 30-minute deliveries.

According to amazon, now delivery of our orders will take just an hour  or maybe 30 minutes to reach our homes.

If this clicks on, this is gonna create a revolution in online shopping.

A perfect Interaction with the Missile Man of India … Dr APJ Abdul Kalam@IIT Delhi

Great comparison between Discovery, Invention, and Innovation

Stories about IIT Graduate Inventions

He wants india to be among the top 10 countries in the innovation index. The only way possible is through education,education , right type of education and women education. Thats really true.

He focuses on innovation which is the sole part of developing any nation.

Those who dare to imagine the impossible are the ones who break the human limitations